FACE OF THE FUTURE – Next generation EMsculpt for your face.


EMFace pros and cons.


Internationally renowned Dr.Rita Rakus, has now launched the first needle-free facial sculpting to simultaneously treat skin and muscle for natural volume and a more youthful appearance. As the EmFace and Emsculpt Global Ambassador, Dr.Rakus´clinic was the first clinic in the UK to offer this new treatment.

This no pain and no downtime, needle and toxin free treatment uses a combination of synchonized RF and HIFES energies to simultaneously addresses elastin, collagen, muscles and connective tissues.

Effective in the treatment of the forehead, eyebrows, cheeks and jawline it only requires four 20 minutes treatments,   each spaced 4 to 10 days apart for a result of :

  • 30% more muscle

  • 23% more lift

  • 37% reduction in wrinkles

The celebrity favorite treatment of the likes of Rebel Wilson, Jessica Simpson or Alicia Silverstone, allows treatment customization for the patient depending on desired results, facial asymmetries etc… It can be combined as part of a package with EMsculpt Neo for Full Face & Body Workout in less than an hour or combined with other treatments including Sofwave, Exilis, ULTRAcel Q+ to target other areas including the neck.  Dr.Rakus´clinic, who follows the advanced BTL approved treatment protocols, is also the only clinic that offers the unique combination with Universkin S.Tep for ultimate skin boost.

EMface combines RF and HIFES technology to tighten skin and tone facial muscles. Applicators are placed on the forehead and each cheek. These applicators use RF to tighten skin and HIFES to specifically stimulate and tone the elevator muscles in each area of the face. The elevators of the face include the frontalis (upper forehead) and the zygomaticus major and minor (cheek) muscles. The combination of the technologies increases the bulk of these muscles, lifting the facial skin, while also decreasing wrinkles and contouring the face. EMface achieves for the face what EMsculpt NEO achieves for the body – advanced sculpting, toning, and tightening.


Dr.Rita Rakus
Dr.Rita Rakus.


We asked Dr.Rakus what you can expect during an EMface treatment.

“When you settle in comfortably into our treatment chair, we will place applicators on your forehead and near your cheeks. During the 20-minute, pain-free, needle-free treatment, you will feel a warm sensation from the Radiofrequency (RF) which tightens your skin and a vibration from the HIFES technology, which works on activating your elevator muscles. These muscles then uplift your skin, giving you a more defined, contoured, rejuvenated appearance.

Our expert team of doctors and therapists follow the recommended advanced BTL EMface Protocol and can adapt the treatment to make bespoke for each patient depending on desired results, face shape, asymmetries etc…” Dr.Rita Rakus


Emface treatment


Dr Rita has created the unique EMface Plus – where EMface is combined with the Universkin S.Tep treatment – only available in the UK at the Dr Rakus Clinic. S.Tep is a micro-needling facial treatment which uses your own bespoke Universkin P Serum created by Dr Rita Rakus using Unvierskin’s revolutionary SkinXS skin diagnostic technology specific to your skin concerns, and is followed by 30 days at home treatment using your bespoke serum. The treatment will complement the course of EMface as it gives an instant glow, with brighter, more hydrated skin, and can improve discolouration, texture, and more.


EMface before and after


EMsculpt before and after


Dr Rita is also creating special packages to include EMsculpt Neo – so we can offer a full face and body workout and get you tightened and toned from head to toe!

Contact the Dr Rita Rakus Clinic now to book a complimentary consultation either at the award-winning clinic in Knightsbridge, London, or virtually to discuss how EMface and other treatments at the clinic can help you to look and feel your best.

+44 (0) 20 7460 7324

Instagram: @drritarakus_



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