During Paris haute couture week PASHION editor in chief Susan Sabet met with text book Parisian chic, Boucheron CEO Hélène Poulit-Duquesne, to talk about the new and absolutely fabulous “Carte Blanche More is More” high jewelry collection, her vision and her eight year journey at the iconic maison. And the one piece of jewelry by Boucheron every woman should own!

Q: The biggest challenge to innovate while preserving legacy?
A: Boucheron has been innovative since it’s very beginning, winning Frederic Boucheron twice the gold medal at the Universal Exhibitions in Paris. So keeping true to the Maison’s heritage and being innovative is not a challenge, but innovation is actually our heritage, our inspiration and mission for progress.
Q: How involved are you in the design and creative process of a new collection?
A: The Creative Director, Claire Choisne first presents the idea and direction of each collection which I validate. As she goes along the creative design process I am constantly updated with all designs that I sign off so they are validated for production. Since three years I also work with the communications team from the very beginning, to create the story behind the collection that is created by Claire and of course it’s presentation.
Q Your proudest moment in your 8 years at Boucheron ?
A: As a product development definetly the creation of the “Fleurs Eternelles” high jewelry rings in 2018 made out of real flower petals through an unprecedented technique and until date the project I invested in the most. My second proudest moment is the restauration of our iconic maison here at 26 Place Vendome where I practically daily oversaw the work for two years. I hired Michel Goutal, chief architect for France’s historic monuments such as the Louvre, to supervise the restoration of the atelier and workshop and renowned French interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon for the boutique and salons.

Q; Do high jewelry clients from different markets have difference preferences?
A: We create one collection that is not specifically targeting any specific market. But we can label high jewelry clients in two categories: those who go for more classic pieces and the quality and size of the stones and those who are like art collectors, who look at the creativity. The latter is a growing client base, that are often young and Asians. As you saw, we are for example the first Maison to present a high jewelry pocket. It is all about the innovation and creativity.

Q: The essential Boucheron piece every women should own ?
A: The Quatre!

To view the complete “Carte Blanche – More is More” high jewelry collection CLICK HERE.
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